Disability Benefits for Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Cary NC Car Accident Lawyer - The Bishop Law Firm - NC Disability and Compensation Attorneys
By Kimberly BishopNovember 24, 2023

This post discusses Social Security Disability benefits for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). If you are unable to work due to chronic venous insufficiency read on for how SSA will evaluate your claim for disability.

The Bishop Law Firm has represented Social Security Disability clients in North Carolina since 2009. We do not get paid unless we win and we offer free case reviews. Call us today, 919-615-3095, or start your free case review online now.

The below is not offered as medical advice regarding thrombotic syndrome. If you are having symptoms of venous insufficiency, please seek medical treatment.

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

Deep vein thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in one of more of the deep veins in your body, usually the legs, pelvis or shoulder. DVT can cause swelling and pain or no symptoms at all. Blood clots can be caused by anything that prevents your blood from circulating properly. Via The Mayo Clinic.

While DVTs usually occur in the legs, pulmonary embolism is related to the lungs; femoral vein thrombosis is related to the thigh; myocardial infarction happens in the heart; superior vena cava affects your chest and strokes are related to blood clots in the brain, to name a few (Via WebMD).

Surgery, cancer treatment, a blood-clotting disorder, hormone therapy, childbirth, varicose veins or congestive heart failure could all be possible causes. Via WebMD. Treatment for deep venous thrombosis is focused on stopping the clot from getting bigger or moving to your lungs (pulmonary emboli) and preventing you from having blood clots in the future.

Blood thinners (Coumadin and Heparin) are usually given for six months but your treatment may be longer or shorter depending on the cause of the DVT. Blood thinners can thin the blood too much so regular blood testing is needed. Via NIH.

Even when a DVT is successfully resolved, the patient may be left with Post Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS). PTS can damage valves that help blood flow to your heart. The blood may pool in your lower leg resulting in ulcers, cramps or feelings of heaviness (Via WebMD).

May-Thurner syndrome (iliac vein compression syndrome) is a rare condition in which the right common iliac artery compresses the left common iliac vein against the lumbar spine causing DVT. This variant has been shown to be present in over 20% of the population; however, it is rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of DVT, particularly in patients with other risk factors. Via NIH.

Social Security Disability Benefits for Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Is DVT a disability? It surely can be, but the answer to this question for you depends on the severity of your symptoms.

In order to be found eligible for disability benefits by SSA, you must have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death, or which has lasted or can be expected to last for at least 12 months.

You will need objective medical records demonstrating a blood clot and subjective evidence of how your symptoms prevent you from working (severe swelling, skin ulcers, fluid retention, difficulty walking, i.e.).

For most people, a DVT can be resolved quickly and they are able to go on with their lives. But for those with recurrent DVTs and underlying health issues that cause DVTs, the battle is ongoing.

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The Social Security Administration can evaluate Deep Vein Thrombosis in different ways depending on the cause of the DVT. Listing 4.11 Chronic venous insufficiency can be used:

4.11 Chronic venous insufficiency of a lower extremity with incompetency or obstruction of the deep venous system and one of the following:

A. Extensive brawny edema (see 4.00G3) involving at least two-thirds of the leg between the ankle and knee or the distal one-third of the lower extremity between the ankle and hip.


B. Superficial varicosities, stasis dermatitis, and either recurrent ulceration or persistent ulceration that has not healed following at least 3 months of prescribed treatment.

Another possible listing for SSA to evaluate DVT is 7.08 Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis.

If you meet either of the above listings, you are in excruciating pain. These listings, as with most listings, are difficult to meet. You may not be able to work long before you meet this listing.

In my clients, recurrent DVTs are caused by chronic underlying health issues that only worsen with time. Also, post thrombotic syndrome can be a severe impediment. If those underlying health issues are severe enough to cause recurrent DVTs, you may be approved for Social Security Disability.

The Social Security Administration can also use the Medical Vocational Guidelines (Grids) to find a claimant disabled if DVT restricts your ability to perform work at higher than the sedentary level if you are 50 years of age or older and do not have a history of sedentary work.

Do you need a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Applying for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income can be a tough process but you have to stay determined. For my clients going through this process, Social Security Disability is their last resort. A Social Security Disability Lawyer can improve your chances of winning your case for Deep Vein Thrombosis disability benefits by knowing what the SSA needs to find you disabled.

If you are looking for a Disability Lawyer in Raleigh, NC or anywhere else in North Carolina, The Bishop Law Firm represents Social Security Disability clients in RaleighDurhamFayettevilleCary, Rocky MountWilsonSmithfieldLouisburgChapel HillRoanoke Rapids , Winston SalemGarner, GreensboroGreenville and more areas in North Carolina. Call us today for a free case review, (919) 615-3095 or start online now.

If you are unable to work (engage in substantial gainful activity), file a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as soon as possible at your local SSA office or online. The Bishop Law Firm represents clients in their disability claim and can help you gather the medical evidence needed for your case. We do not get paid unless you win!

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