You have been injured by the . of another, lost time from work and the continue to roll in. Your situation starts to feel a bit overwhelming and, you're at a loss about what to do next. This post discusses ten ways to maximize recovery in your NC
medical expenses, lost wages, pain & suffering and (in certain cases). You can settle with the directly if they are offering a reasonable settlement or you may have to file a NC to recover. allows a injured victim to receive for
The below tips are helpful with the and in :
1. Take photos of the may be an issue, contact witnesses as soon as possible after the to get statements from them. scene, your car, your injuries as soon as possible after the and continuously (and date them as well) as you heal. Make sure to document any assistive devices you have to use in these photos (canes, braces, i.e.). If your was complicated or if
2. Seek medical treatment immediately after the and follow all medical advice. Do not stop going to the doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, etc. just because you are feeling better and, you have not been released from care by the medical provider.
3. If you are having difficulty paying for medical treatment, but still require treatment for your free or reduced cost clinics, Charity Care (UNC or Duke) urgent care or the ER if necessary. Some medical providers will treat you on a lien basis if you have related injuries. The will have to be repaid out of your settlement. Remember, gaps in medical treatment are not your friend when trying to maximize your recovery. related injuries, try
4. Report your pain and symptoms accurately to your medical team. Let them know the problems that you are having in your daily life because of the . Also let them know if you are missing work and ask them to give you work excuses when you are unable to go to work. This will help when trying to recover for your lost wages later on.
5. Track all of your expenses: mileage, child care costs, prescription drug costs, for a assistive device, etc.
6. Keep a copy of your repair estimate from your . Many times the is not readily apparent until the outer shell of the vehicle has been removed. Photos of speak volumes.
7. Keep a log of the activities of daily living or work duties that you are unable to complete with examples because of your .
8. Communication with the bodily should be just enough to inform them about your adjuster but not enough to give them ammunition against you. This can be tricky. If you do not speak with them at all, they will probably deny your .
9. Do not accept the adjuster's first offer on your . This offer is probably not even enough to pay for your medical expenses and is usually a test to see if you are desperate for money. If you let them know that you are desperate for money, you have lost most of your bargaining power. Also, do not rely on the adjuster to give you a fair shake. That is not their job. Their job is save money for the just like it is an NC 's job to try to get the most money for you.
10. If you have done all of the above and the adjuster still refuses to increase their offer (or even make a offer), you need to considering hiring a NC . Lawyers introduce the possibility of litigation to the which can increase the amount of money that they are willing to pay in an .
We represent in Raleigh, Durham, Rocky Mount, Wilson, Smithfield, Louisburg, Chapel Hill, Roanoke Rapids and surrounding areas in North Carolina. We handle , , ,, premise liability cases and more. Give us a call today, 919-615-3095 or start your free case review now.