Chapel Hill Workers Compensation Lawyer

Why Would an Employer Deny a Legitimate NC Workers Compensation Claim?

If you have been injured on the job and need a Chapel Hill Workers Compensation Lawyer, The Bishop Law Firm can help with your case. We represent injured clients in Chapel Hill ( Orange County) and surrounding areas. Read on for how we can help and contact us today for a free case evaluation, (919) 615-3095 or start your free case review now.

Being hurt on the job can be as simple as a bump on the toe from a desk or as devastating as a traumatic brain injury. Certain industries have a higher incidence of injuries and unfortunately, deaths. Even if you are not involved in a typically dangerous job you can still sustain a serious work injury.

One of the largest industries in Chapel Hill  is Healthcare & Social Assistance. The University of North Carolina and UNC-Healthcare are among the largest employers in Chapel Hill.

Healthcare & Social Assistance is in the top five most dangerous industries in the United States. In fact, statistics show that hospitals are one of the most hazardous places to work. No matter where you work in Chapel Hill, being hurt at work can cost you pain, time, and money.

Do you have a NC Workers’ Compensation Claim?

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An worker is entitled to workers’ comp if they are an employee who was injured at work (not a volunteer or an independent contractor). Also, being hurt on the way to work or on the way home does not qualify you for a work injury claim. Employers in NC with three or more employees must carry Workers’ Compensation insurance.

If your employer tells you that you do not have a workers’ compensation claim (and they employ three or more people) because they do not have insurance, you should seek legal advice from a Workers’ Compensation Attorney as soon as possible.

NC Worker‘s Compensation covers “injury by accident” and “occupational disease.” While fault is not an issue in NC Workers’ Comp, inebriation will bar your claim for workplace injury benefits.

If you are injured by a 3rd party at work (for example, a car accident), you may also have a NC Personal Injury case.

What workers’ comp benefits can I receive?

NC Workers’ Compensation Law provides medical compensation and wage loss benefits for non-fatal injuries and death benefits for fatal injuries. Medical compensation includes medical treatment and mileage reimbursement for treatment of your on the job injury.

Lost Wage benefits provide monetary compensation due to your inability to earn wages because of your on the job injury. This benefit provides compensation based on the physical impairment of the injured body part as well. Also read Four Types of NC Workers Comp Disability Benefits.

Steps After Your Workplace Accident

  1. After being hurt, you should immediately inform your employer verbally and as soon as possible in writing (within 30 days).
  2. Most employers will instruct an employee to report for medical treatment at a local urgent care facility. Thankfully, some injuries can be resolved with immediate care. However, for more serious injuries, a bandage will not suffice.
  3. What happens if the urgent care facility cannot treat your injury or what if they tell you that you are fine but you continue to have terrible pain? Can you go to your own doctor? At this point, you need to orally inform your employer of your continued pain as well as inform your employer in writing and file a Form 18 with the North Carolina Industrial Commission about your injury. If you are unsure of how to fill out the Form 18 consider contacting a Chapel Hill NC Worker’s Compensation Lawyer for help.
  4. Your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance company can accept or deny your claim:
    1. If your claim is accepted , you will need to get permission from your employer to receive medical treatment for your injuries. While the insurer is willing to pay for treatment they are only willing to pay for treatment that they deem necessary. What if you need treatment that they are not willing to pay for?
    2. If the worker’s compensation insurance company denies your claim they are denying that your work injury is covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.

Accepted and denied claims both can have legal issues. In accepted claims, the insurance may not want to pay for all your needed medical treatment. In denied cases, filing for a hearing in front of the NCIC is your only recourse.

Do you need a Chapel Hill Workers Compensation Lawyer?

A Chapel Hill Worker Compensation Lawyer can help you obtain medical treatment and compensation that you need to get back on your feet after an injury. Insurance adjusters do not like to pay claims, especially when there are preexisting conditions or expensive medical treatment for serious injury is needed.

Having a NC Workers’ Comp attorney review your accident report, your medical treatment, help you obtain a 2nd opinion, calculate your wages, file your case with the NCIC and represent you at hearing will ensure you receive the most compensation for your work accident. 

The Bishop Law Firm represents clients in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas and we do not get paid unless we win your case. Call us today, (919) 615-3095 for a free case review. 

Also read NC Workers Compensation Lawyer

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